
Showing posts from July, 2015

Cloudy With a Chance of Introspection

Pantnagar,12th July 2015: The rain Gods had finally decided to fling their poignant arrows to our city, bombarding it with relentless display of lighting and thunder. The monsoon season was on- with the usual sites of water logging and humidity at full flow. The rains had been continuing for countless days, thus providing ample 'me' time to 'me' and as it always has been, I sat plump on my bean bag, creative juices flowing, wondering what to write next.  It was then when my flatmate came bundling along, wanting to discuss our mutual career aspirations. We started with the usual complains- this is not good, that could have been better, this surely is wrong and stuff, when suddenly, I noticed a thick speck of white outside my window. The rain had stopped, with the might sun finally able to put forward his splendor. The tense grey clouds had given way to the white, serene ones, all looking majestic in their fervor. I gazed at them spellbound (my friend still complain