Cloudy With a Chance of Introspection

Pantnagar,12th July 2015: The rain Gods had finally decided to fling their poignant arrows to our city, bombarding it with relentless display of lighting and thunder. The monsoon season was on- with the usual sites of water logging and humidity at full flow. The rains had been continuing for countless days, thus providing ample 'me' time to 'me' and as it always has been, I sat plump on my bean bag, creative juices flowing, wondering what to write next. 
It was then when my flatmate came bundling along, wanting to discuss our mutual career aspirations. We started with the usual complains- this is not good, that could have been better, this surely is wrong and stuff, when suddenly, I noticed a thick speck of white outside my window. The rain had stopped, with the might sun finally able to put forward his splendor. The tense grey clouds had given way to the white, serene ones, all looking majestic in their fervor. I gazed at them spellbound (my friend still complaining in the background), lost in translation. 
Now let me describe you the spell binding effect of one particular cloud that caught my attention- a small speck, compared to the mammoth white mass flowing nearby. The small one (for sake of reference lets call it Nimbus) was floating freely, seemingly unattached from the other hoards, minuscule in its stature, yet was clearly standing out. Nimbus reminded me a quite like the youth of today- different, small in stature (as of now) but ready to stand out, ready to fight it out and ready to deliver. However, pretty soon, Nimbus was swallowed up by the gargantuan of clouds- losing out on its identity. The pathos of the whole scenario reminded me of our 'predicament' as we love to call it- not able to change anything just because the gargantuan of the system engulfs us when we try to rise up. 

Pretty soon, however, I saw another speck of white (Nimbus, maybe???) slowly and steadily breaking apart from the mass of clouds. Here was another entity- readying itself to break apart and stand out. My Nimbus was back, teaching me a great lesson! It not that we will be able to stand out every time, breaking all stereotypes and vanquishing all ills of the world. If you want to stand out, it might be the maximum times the 'system' will engulf you- leaving you lamenting on your own existence. But this very moment is where you have the opportunity to stand out- become the reinvigorated Nimbus, ready to stand out again, after falling. 

Practically speaking, I don't know what your career/personal aspirations might be- you can read/hear a number of great preachers for that- I believe in taking small steps and most importantly, empthasizing, which can make you stand out. It's difficult, but the world would surely be a better place if there was a little less 'me' and a lot more of 'we'.


Go on, become someone's Nimbus!


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