
Showing posts from November, 2024

Happy Tired, Sad Tired

Lucknow, 7am, 17th Nov 2024: groggy, I looked at my wife, still tired from last night's late night get together with family. We were in my hometown, to attend the wedding of my cousin brother, travelling back to Lucknow after around an year. Day wise agenda was set, which was soon to be disrupted by the phone call received by my wife.  It was one of my sister in laws (last I counted, we have 9). Her father in law (CAT question- my father's elder brother is my?), who was hospitalized. Platelets count had gone down to well below 15k and since I was in town (his son, was in Faridabad), I was called in for the leg work by my aunt. So me and dad hurriedly got dressed and left, grabbing fruits and sandwiches on the way.  We reached the hospital- the imagery changing to a morose one. Gloomy faces, hurried steps, sleepy faces crowded the reception area. We made a beeline for the ICU, only to be stopped by a surly looking guard, who permitted only one person to advance. Obviously, Dad ...