That Place Called Success

We all have heard about that adage: "Hard Work is the Key to Success". And of course, most of us must be constantly  reminded of the same by our parents and guardians. A more subtle, adage that goes well with this one goes by like this: "Patience bears the sweetest food".

The greatest example of success that I know of, is our very own "Hainnnn" speaking, angry old (once young) man, Mr. Amitabh Bachchan. The people of my age know him as the french cut keeping, KBC hosting, fatherly figure of Bollywood. Ask any middle age aunt and she is guaranteed to go crazy and start repeating names like "Silsila", "Sholay" and "Zanjeer". This particular young man, went from super stardom, to bust and back again- facing the sinusoidal curve called life with gusto and ultimately becoming successful.

Well, this particular individual's example is an ideal one- of someone who worked hard, had everything (nearly I guess) and then lost everything (nearly I guess!). Did Mr. Bachchan let that bog him down- No! He suffered, badly, dusted himself up and got back- this time to greater heights than ever before. So the questions remains- why do we run after success, when we know that someone who had everything (loosely translated- epitome of success) ended up losing it. So will we not also loose our infamous success measure- maybe not that badly, but in some way or the other.

Philosophical greats have said that its "The path to success that makes you who you are." I tried doing that, hoping to reinvent myself on my personal quest to success. Trust me, it's hard- when you almost never get anything that you really wanted. Yes the journey is a learning experience- no two thoughts about that. But don't you really want to (at least once) to hold that magnificent trophy and shout out loud- "I am number one!". Will it not feel wonderful to actually be the envy of some people (for the little instant) and above all, will it not feel good when the same parents, who never expected but expected the world from you, can say, "Haan Bhai ho gaya inka final!".

Me, I finally got my little dose of success. But like the great Mr. Bachchan, its not my crowning glory. The journey is still onerous- its the end of the road that I want to be. You all must have seen the setting sun- ever wondered how it would feel to be on the other side to see that grandiose sight? Do not stop with that one small dose of success. There's more in store for you as well.

You Know It!!


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