The science of "Adjustment"

The very first word, when you open the Vocabulary building exercise book: "Word Power Made Easy" is EGOIST. This specific word, derived from the word: 'ego' means a person who places himself in front of others. And to be honest, we all are egoist- to some extent.

Now considering the fact that all of us are egoist, how do we actually become the infamous "team player", a desperate trait in the job specification of a dream employee of all companies? Ergo, the "Adjustment Club"- a self-thought of concept (I happen to be the founding figure, president, point of contact, strategist, consultant, basically every job possible- and the ONLY recognized member!). What's the concept you ask? Simple, force this ego dude to the back and empathize. Sounds simple right! Oh mind you, it's not.

From what I've seen, people in general tend to put their side of the story first- that's human nature. Here's a test: sit for two minutes and recall an incident when you- with the sudden urge of blood- just lost control and blurted out whatever you had in mind. Can be anywhere- when you were discussing some work, or hanging out, maybe playing. Try it.

Able to recall more than one incident? That was not your anger, but your ego that made you lose control. The need to assert is an inherent trait in all of us. And that's the cue for my adjustment theory- challenge yourself that you'll listen to others for one full day. I mean "listening" listening: with your views tucked away for that one day. Then, when the other person is done, add your views and discuss. By doing this, you can actually be more effective than what you would have been alone.  Just try to believe that the other person is not as dumb as you think him to be!! It'll help, for sure (tried and tested by all members of the adjustment club: Me!). So if this one day helps you in discovering a new found listening ability- you can truly be on the way to become oh-so-desired the "team player". Fine tune this theory your way, I don't mind a new President!

Come, join the Club...


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