The Averagers

Cricket Team, Fifth.....Team for Quiz Competition, Third.....Academically, Seventh......Welcome to the world of an Average Student, or the "Averagers" as I call. Let me tell you about a different breed of people, whom everyone knows about, who is around nearly everyone. You know they exist, but like any myth, people don't accept their existence, until they have met one.

Welcome to the world of the Averagers...They are basically good people, with an aim of doing something in life. They work hard, the study hard, they give their best shot at everything they are involved in. Looking from an Employer's perspective, they are the best recruits, "the go to people". Problem is, in the end, there is always that someone with the oomph factor...with that extra brain, with that extra talent, with that extra luck, who gets in the way of our hero.

What happens then?? The Averager gets depressed, feels down and out. Things seem like hell, and everyone    looks like an enemy. Each passing day adds more and more to our Averagers misery. Quitting feels like a good option.

But alas!! that never happens. That spirit never dies, that mind does not stop believing. The Averager tries again, with the same exuberance, with the same spirit, with the same heart. Out hero rises from the darkness, to again take back what was rightfully theirs- the position, theface, the spot of glory.

And ofcourse,  The Averager is challenged again, beaten again, falls again.

Well what can be done. I say nothing. What our  Averager needs to do, is stay the same...or as Mr Jobs has put it, "stay hungry, stay foolish"...wait for your day to come, and you will get your reward. Yup, it might not be that elusive first spot, but it will be something good. Maximum number of  days will be bad, with dark clouds and no silver linings, but surely that day will come.
I am waiting too. 


  1. I have read all of your post but the insight you showed in this particular one is unparalleled. The plight of the "averagers" as you call them, is, well it can't be more true. I guess it's more appealing to me considering I am as average as it gets. Kudos bro, you have a knack for it so keep up the good work. Your form though simple delivers the message quite effectively. It may take some time but you will surely get to that "elusive first spot"
    - Chakshu

  2. @Chakshu: hope I do.....and you too my friend!!

  3. Really superb work Salil...You put the deep feelings of an "Averagers" in such an short and simple way, that's what i feel is the quality of a writer. I can easily connect all the dots as i guess i fall under the same cadre. Keep writing and keep that spirit of "Stay Hungry Stay Foolish".


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